Friday, May 26, 2006


Whats wrong? why are there so many protests? claims that AIIMS student died cause of hunger (thank God, he was not yet a doctor!, he doesnot even know he has to eat to live)... whats wrong?

its the lack of Beer in India, people just want have fun. Every country has its own way of having fun, Beer in Germany, moking their own president in USofA, suicide bombings in Iraq, fighting in Srilanka and having sex in France.

Whats wrong? theres nothing wrong, its just expressions of 2 sides which differ. now comes the dude debate of which side to take... and im sure the people reading this are Indians who are either sitting outside India/planning to go in the very near future, contributing nothing but just joining the crap argument raising voices, why? cause there is no beer in India.

And with that general Indian mentality to believe what they hear first is true, its ture that NDTV first came up with the anti reservation news first, bingo that has to be the true picture. no its not. its just a bunch of people who think their "magic" brilliance will be lost to competition unfairly... lets see, the top notch, the most brilliant get into the IITs, how can a ST whos scored only 70% get it? what crap?! the crap is that our dude guy has had 2 years of rigorous coaching, thanks to his dad whos told him from when he was in LKG that IIT is the dude college and thanks to the fact that his father was the all rich guy, basically thanks to the fact that his "high class" dad got laid by the his "high class" mom.

Its all the cause of resistance to change... Chapter 9 in our Principles of Management book...

its simple, THINK. Indians have proven to be the best when you think, clear logic comes out. just that the though process is corrupted, influenced by mega serials, NDTV and ezhuthaveetu maami's ideas (ideas' of neighbours).



raghuram said...

you commenting here means you know both sides of the story, if you do and you comment, ill ask questions :)

Harini said...

you have accomplished precious little by crapping in your blog. both sides avathu mannavathu.. you have not even covered half a side! just exhibited your misanthropic tendencies to clarity!

raghuram said...

@the 2 ladies:

a) yeah im in Munich cause i choose to be in. But ive seen the problems at the base, ive spent half my life in a cheri in Chennai and yes, i know the problems there!

b) 27% : i got this from Wikipedia, and yes, i understand someone sitting in USA would have written it, but it could be true.

c) and i dont like adjectives, say things clearly, yes i hate the history of mankind and want it changed... its pay back time. half a side? lets see, i think im FC so thats one half, atleast 50 people in my cheri are BCs/SC/STs, and i know how exactly they feel about life, so i think that qualifies for atleast 3/4th of the other side... sope. 1.75, sorry about the 0.25.

raghuram said...

perfect, this is exactly what i wanted... 90% of the seats are vacant just because the "reservations" are not filled just like that, but its filled with the best of the candidates, so that nullifies your statement of IITs getting a bad input. and yes, cheri people who qualify for the IITs deserve it. given the environment they will definitely do better. basically, the only reason i am sitting here wearing the costliest Armani perfume available is cause i was born to Mr. Balasubramanian, AE BSNL. definitely not because my neurons work amazingly when compared to Mr. Muniyandi in the cheri. and yes with a beer in 1 hand (well note that i dont drink), i can still make sense of whats going on in India cause now, after 4 years of BITSian life, as of yesterday, i got 7 mails, 2 from BITSians (1 of whom ive never spoken in BITS) and 5 from those people, and you can ask them, i thought them to use the internet and they put it to great use!
yes there should be reservations in primary education, actually LKG, but when microsoft releases Windows XP and they find a bug, they dont release Windows YP, they release a patch, thats exactly whats happening here. if reservations are brought in the LKG level, it will take 25 years to show, India cant wait that long. its a cycle, you can have it introduced anywhere, the government puts it on the top so its seen everywhere.
again, your sampling is wrong, dont look at a OBC candidate from Modern school or the erode school (whatever its called), its exactly for them that Mr. Arjun Singh defines a term called "creamy layer" (if you have not heard of this term, sorry!). and yes, 27% should be a very great aprox cause in Tamil Nadu, there are only Dravidian parties, and they still win, and you can see the vote count.

raghuram said...

lets see, yes, both hindu and ndtv says NRIs contributed the maximum to tsunami relief, aah, who wants money?
lets see, yup i was there when that happened in a camp in Thiruvanmyur. oh now ive become an alien. fine by me.
look at all the people in India who contribute to the society by paying their taxes! all of whom care if the house watchman guy's son is studying? all that we want is India shining! and yup it does, Infy is a 2 billion dollar company! wow, we all have 500Kgs of pity which we can give away for free, lets all do that! now comes a straight question : what have you done so far? if you think for more than 5 seconds, you can take 200Kgs of my pity and distribute it for free.

raghuram said...

and yeah regarding the futility of the argument, the only reason is to inspire, get inspired, feel left out, and think ahead.

Sundar said...

ur whole post itself seems so freaking incoherent. whats your point? reservations are justified? if they have really been so, then why can't the government face the facts and tell the entire nation as to why it has done that? I am referring to an interview of arjun singh with karan thappar (courtesy: ibn live, the video is on their site).

You should see that interview. arjun singh has only one answer for almost all of karan's questions "the parliament has unanimously decided to increase the reservation quota for OBC". ok but justify as to why. the decision that the govt has made contradicts the statistical survey taken by the govt itself.

there may be other motives behind this whole reservation drama which we are all not even aware of. (i mean the party politics within themselves). all we can do is crap like this in blogs. but the questions will always remain unanswered.