Monday, May 19, 2008

The whats next question

Ive always had an idea of whats to happen next in life. 12th std, next was college, 4th year, PS at Munich, then was a job, off to Singapore. Dont get me wrong, there has always been the uncertainty and ive always enjoyed that. [look at this post long back]. But there was a clear direction. And now im lost. Im into this job for almost 2 years now. I crib about the pay, playback the conversation i want to have with my boss over and over again in my brain, do stuff absolutely for the sake of killing time (my masters). There is this excruciating restlessness for wanting to do something. any ideas?


Anjum said...

I have lots of work to take you out of your restlessness! Start with making Taboo :D:D I will convert it into a professional game and get you money for your game! Or why dont you try to make an online taboo???

Suudhan said...


Maharaj said...

2 things...
1. make sure you keep learning new skills (need not necessarily add to your resume)
2. make sure you stimulate new portions of the brain through different activites

Akash... said...

Hmm. Kinda ask yourself two simple questions:

Are you utilizing your "complete" potential and are "you" following your dreams?

That's what I always ask myself. "Am I doing something challenging enough?" If the answer is no, then move ahead, go on the path of your dreams. You know you have the ability to do that, it's just the right moment which you've been waiting for.

I dunno if what I said above made any sense, but that's how I drive myself ahead. :)

Beggar said...

It always starts like this, with a sense of dissatisfaction. Time to start doing devotion to God.

srivi said...

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