Sunday, March 09, 2008

blah blah

PJ : ...blah blah...
You may read this till then
(just some random website asking people to switch off lights in Hyd for a while)

BR : crap.

PJ : What is crap?? Why I am finding you increasingly cynical and hence annoying this includes the phone conversation of ours

BR : i am cynical about the unplug thing. i dont think its going to change anything, the concepts of awareness, conservation dont get to me as anything except for political drama or a time pass talk. the bigger picture is, percentage-wise the world population has always kept doubling over years and adjustment to change is natural, so will be the use of fossil fuel, the conservation of energy and the things that follow. The process is called evolution :)

as far as the conversation goes : i dont know... i am extremely pessimistic these days over a few things... life, getting married, the office project/politics, the thalai thing, NUS... u know the feeling... and i know, conversations in the office with people who cant think in my frequency, egotistic about crap stuff, have turned whiny. personally i am trying to get of being this, and u can help.:)

dont be sad, things happen when they will, and the headache is gone!

be good,

PJ : Well I do agree to an extent about evolution. But you know a concentrated effort from everyone’s end would do less harm. See something as simple as transportation. People travel distances and distance in one fat big car, to just satisfy the ego aspect?? How about being a lil conscious and using public transport. See another simple thing is saving electricity and water, ppl switch on lights and don’t attend to leaking taps etc… and we are talking about billions around the world. And again you would save so much. So all the awareness “crap” is only and only to inculcate a responsible feeling. To make people a lil more sensitive and conscious. Another example, we have pollution control mechanisms , but do you see the exhaust pipes of most bikes,, YIKES!!! See again its an attitude problem.

And about pessimistic thingie.. See get married, find that miss. Perfect. I know you were very close to it with ***** but you know there are a lot of ppl like her. MY headache Is still there

BR : okay, im positive from now on, ill stop using my ... no cannot!
the thing is... weak law of large numbers is wrong in most cases. 3 billion people stop using plastic in no way means use of plastic is reduced by half. and seriously, elephants in Sahara die because i use plastic in Singapore? its just the fear of sounding uncompassionate that drives people to pretending that they actually care.

its called the network effect. things dont change that easily.

as far as me: the change is today, the hunt is on, no more cynical-ism.

get lost u bloody headache!


PS : i think i should blog this conversation :D

...and i did...

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