Saturday, May 16, 2009

The loser

Steve was an intelligent student. He did fail once in his 1st std, but ever since its been pretty good scores. over his first 15 years of schooling, there was this subconscious liking that he developed, become an engineer, in particular electronics was his passion. His dad and mom were great inspirations, and like everyone else in his country, it was awesome to join the engineering school. he did, went to one of the best schools in his country, his passions became more focused. and as it was the best, this school helped him identify what he loved and gave him an opportunity to pursue it. Still as a student, he traveled abroad, interned for a year made a lot of money... was an instant success story in his family and the small community that his parents knew.

right after graduation, he makes a job, spends a couple years doing what he likes and starts thinking... he is extremely satisfied with his job, has established himself pretty well, can do whatever he wants and relatively in his field is paid pretty okay. but where has society placed him? hes a nerd, a geek, a good friend to have but definitely not a cool boyfriend. he earns peanuts compared all other professions. on the bigger picture he feels like a loser. looks at people who he went to school with, realises the jackass who repeated second year in college twice is on-site in Sydney working for a lame software company earning much more, having a great life.

the whole world caters to the people who form the middle part of the bell shaped gaussian curve. that talented 5 percent who form the tail struggle... a handful achieve, get a 2 Oscars after 40 years of a painful life. others just try convincing themselves that its personal goals that matter. is that it?

Steve is sad. he now believes the average ones are the luckiest. he was stupid all along, his ego is hurt.

-- Inspired by a colleague